lørdag den 21. september 2013

App of the week: Unfocused

I'm a bit of an app nerd. I'm especially into those apps that are to do with photography, food and (life)style. I hope you are too, cause each week I will select an app I like a lot and review it here on the blog. I start with Unfocused, a small one-feature app created by Dana of the lovely blog The Wonder Forest.

Unfocused is a very simple photo app for blurring or 'unfocusing' certain areas of your photographs. As with any other photo app, you can choose to take a new photo to edit, or you can edit an old one from your camera roll, like I have done with the photographs below. The first one looks a bit imprecise and messy, as I used a wrong brush size. The app offers a variety of brushes and feathers, and you can even use one to smooth out your skin.

I really like how a little simple blurring of a photo's background or foreground can make certain objects stand out, like in the photo below where the unfocusing of the building in the foreground really makes Amsterdam's giant Ferris wheel pop. 

There are two versions of the app, a free one and a paid one. The free version offers the same features as the paid one, but has ads popping up, so I recommend buying the paid version, which costs just 7,00 kr. (.99 cents) and looks a lot better too.

Dansk: Jeg er lidt af en app-nørd. Det håber jeg også, I er, for hver uge vil jeg udvælge en app, jeg særligt godt kan li', og skrive et par ord om den her på bloggen. I dag anbefaler jeg Unfocused, en lille og simpel foto-app, man kan bruge til at føje blur-effekter til sine billeder. Man kan eksempelvis sløre for- eller baggrunden på sine billeder og dermed få objekter til at skille sig mere ud, som jeg har gjort på ovenviste billede. Ønsker man app'en uden reklamer, kan den købes for bare 7,00 kr. 

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